Dennis Diaz quotProud Corazónquot from Disney Pixars COCO


..Ay mi familia, oiga mi gente! Canten al coro, let it be known!... • ------------- • As Hispanic Heritage Month wraps up and Dia de Los Muertos approaches, I can't help but think of my Disneyland family at this time. • These moments we're living through right now are super uncertain and not at all easy to navigate but know that the universe forces change into our lives to open up new paths we didn't realize we needed to take. • This is a lesson I struggle with daily, but it keeps me moving. • With all of this said, I would like to dedicate this one to my Coco: A Musical Celebration familia, as well as ALL of my other Disneyland family members. • Every single one of you are all individually special and were always a joy to be around. Going into work every morning never really ever felt like work , and that's 100% to do with every single Disney Cast Member that kept all of the gears moving from Directors, Choreographers, Costumers, Sound, Lights, Parade Performers, Hosts etc... • I want you to know, I miss you ALL tremendously. And always remember... Our love for each other will live on forever, in every beat of my proud corazón! • Never lose the Magic! ⭐ • With love from my Proud Corazón, • -Dennis • ------------- • • Proud Corazón from Disney Pixar's COCO • Music and Lyrics by Germain Franco Adrian Molina • Vocals by Dennis Diaz feat Salomón Parra Orellana on Keys and Guitar • • #DiaDeLosMuertos #PixarCoco #ProudCorazon #HispanicHeritageMonth #DisneylandFam


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