Forging A Roman Gladius Making A Junkyard Sword
Buy a Jake's Custom Knives T-Shirt • • Forging a roman gladius from recycled car parts found at the junkyard • I forged the blade from a thick piece of leaf spring and made the handle from a variety of different gears. I found all this stuff at the local junkyard. • I had some random gears laying around from my last video and decided to use them for a handle and make a roman gladius. The roman gladius is a short sword with a double edged blade and a small guard. I got creative and decided to try and mill a slot through the gear to create a guard and threaded all the pieces together. I new this handle was going to be very heavy so I forged the blade to 3/8 inch thick to counter the weight. In the end the balance point was at the top of the guard. I hollow ground the double edged sword to help reduce a little weight. The sword was hardened and tempered at 400 degrees for 2 hours. • • Thanks For Watching • Please Like and Subscribe • Website • • Facebook • / jakescustomknives • Instagram • / jakes_custom_knives • Pintrest • / jakes-custom-knives-videos • Etsy Store • • Subscribe to my Newsletter for Giveaways, Raffles, Coupons and Updates