Cinderella The Music LessonOh Sing Sweet Nightingale


CINDERELLA cartoon series | part 8 | There is a revelry in the city because a circus has arrived to perform for the royal family. As Cinderella wanders around the circus tents, she meets an acrobat named Mary, who is training for the act she performs on a balloon. Mary is very insecure, and while a small crowd watches, constantly loses her balance, falling off the ball. • Hoping to restore Mary's confidence, Cinderella takes her to her own favorite place and has her perform for an audience of small animals,however the experiment fails. While performing in public, Mary continues to be insecure and and still tumbles repeatedly. For this reason, Cinderella, having made Charles' acquaintance, decides to bring him to Mary and have her perform in front of him,asking him to pretend he is the real prince. Charles then has an idea of his own and tells the two girls a secret: whenever you're in difficulty, make a magic sign,then everything will be all right . On the day of the royal performance, Mary remembers Charles' advice and does a perfect act. Afterward, she then looks up at the royal balcony, and sees the actual prince making the same sign that Charles taught her. • 🎬 Watch all episodes: • ❤️ SUBSCRIBE to our channel: • #mondoworld #cinderellaseries


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