Americas Navy Enlisted vs Officer
Every job in the Navy carries tremendous importance for the success of the fleet. • As an Officer, it will be your responsibility to ensure the mission is accomplished by making the tough decisions in coordinating and planning. • As an Enlisted Sailor, you will be called upon to execute key functions that will determine the outcome of the task at hand. • Whichever your path, the Navy has opportunities to further your abilities and make you the best that you can possibly be. • If you want to find out how you can be a part of America's Navy, go here: • Ready for a career in the U.S. Navy? Check out our U.S. Navy Careers page here: • Want to see more from America's Navy? Check out our YouTube channel here: / unitedstatesnavy • Want to follow us on social? Find us here: • Facebook: / americasnavy • Instagram: / americasnavy • Twitter: / americasnavy