Black Mesa Definitive Edition Walkthrough Hard No Commentary 19 GONARCHS LAIR
Chapter 12: Surface Tension - Part One • After escaping from the Advanced Research Facility, Freeman finally re-emerges onto the surface on a hot and sunny mid-afternoon. To reach the Lambda Complex, he must first contend with the HECU, who has completely taken control of the various topside facilities, including the Black Mesa Hydroelectric Dam. His journey across the Black Mesa Desert eventually leads him to the side of a vast canyon, overlooking the mesa valley. There, he must scale the haphazard cliffs and contend with a relentless Apache helicopter. • Playlist with all completed chapters: • • Black Mesa: Definitive Edition (Full ... • Notes: • In the first Apache encounter, Gordon can run back to the generator room and fight it from there (3:20) • At the dam, the Apache can defeated with the .50 cal emplacements if Gordon manages to land enough hits on it before the nests are destroyed (3:26) • In addition to the Tau Cannon and RPG, the Apache is also vulnerable to explosives damage (e.g. SMG grenades) • The walkway to the dam's control tower will not crumble (3:38) if Gordon does not go near it • If Gordon jumps into the water, the Apache will get bugged and not attack him again when he re-emerges to the surface (3:38) • If Gordon escapes through the drain without defeating the Apache, it will fly over the Dam and disappear around the corner after being unable to find him (5:52) • Trivia: • The Apache first appears at 0:08. This is the same Apache that eventually confronts Gordon at the cliffside (22:02). In HL1, there were multiple Apaches, as it was possible for Gordon to destroy one in every map • Surface Tension is one of the longest chapters in Black Mesa, tied with Lambda Core with a total of 9 maps, and only rivalled by Interloper (10 maps) • The title is both a scientific term (the physical property of a liquid that allows it to resist external forces) and a reference to the events of the chapter (on the surface, and tension due to the conflicts between the HECU and Gordon) • The gravel at 1:10 used to cause Gordon to slip and slide around in the mod version • The water at the bottom of the dam at 1:52 is glitchy; depending on the angle Gordon looks at it, it can reflect the skybox, resulting in a blue color rather than being clear all the way to the bottom of the riverbed • In HL1, the Dam is also guarded by a cannon on the far side of the bridge (1:56). This was removed in Black Mesa • In HL1, there is only 1 Ichthy in the Dam's reservoir, as opposed to 2 (3:45) • In HL1, the draincaps were opened by going to the bottom of the reservoir and manually operating a handwheel, as opposed to throwing a switch (5:21) • If the player was to use noclip to get past the blockade at 6:28, they will find a wrecked canoe at the end of the river • The map starting at 7:15 omits some of the areas from the HL1 version. For instance, there is no Tentacle in the Desert anymore, and not as many hidden crevasses with loot • As well, in HL1, the map at 7:15 would have an Apache dog Gordon the whole way if he doesn't destroy it. Aside from a brief cameo, the Apache in Black Mesa does not fight Gordon in that map • The landmines in Black Mesa are visible (13:27). In HL1, they were all hidden below the sand • The shape of the mesa at 15:02, centered within the drain opening, closely resembles the Black Mesa logo • The song at 15:02, Surface Tension 2 by Joel Nielsen, is a direct callback to the song that plays in HL1's cliff sequence, Hazardous Environments . Take a listen here, it's amazing how close they sound in tempo: • Half-Life/Black Mesa Soundtrack fusio... • In HL1, a single Harrier jet flies past Gordon at 15:13. In Half-Life: Source, there are 2. Black Mesa acknowledges this by having 3 of them fly by • For some reason, the turret at 15:42 is sometimes already destroyed by the time Gordon gets to it • As shown at 17:04, a secret area (17:58) can be unlocked by interacting with the panel. This shed belongs to Dr. Horn, who is also the main figurehead behind the game's Pizza ARG. This area also marks the first appearance of the portals that are later seen in Lambda Core • Some of the notes on the bulletin board at 18:30 include a hilarious plan from Dr. Breen to take over the world , a reference to the events of HL2 • In the original mod version, the RPG's rockets travelled much more quickly. This was changed to balance the game, especially for Gonarch's Lair in Xen (21:39) • The detonation at 24:37 occurs approximately 0.85 miles away (It takes 4 seconds for the sound of the explosion to reach the player. Sound travels at an approximate 343m/s. 343*4 = 1372m = 1.372km = 0.85 miles away), assuming ideal conditions at 20 degrees Celsius • The final headcrab at 25:11 is also in HL1, and is also referenced in HL2 in the chapter Sandtraps , when a Fast Zombie jumps out of a pipe while assaulting Nova Prospekt along the cliffside