Museum Speelklok selfplaying musical instruments Utrecht Netherlands 2010
Museum Speelklok has a collection of self-playing musical instruments from the 16th century to the present day. (The word 'speelklok' means musical clock.) • Self-playing musical instruments come with a program enabling them to play music without the aid of a human performer. • They exist in an overwhelming variety of types and sizes: • musical clocks announce the striking of the hour with preludes on bells, organ pipes or strings • musical boxes play their tuned steel combs from pinned brass cylinders or steel discs • pianolas and orchestrions play their music as programmed on wooden, brass-pinned cylinders and perforated paper rolls • barrel organs play their music from pinned wooden barrels • large street organs, fairground organs and dance organs play from folding cardboard music books • Over the years the museum has become popular nationwide and internationally. The museum's reparation workshop is a leader in its field. • The museum was founded in 1956. Since 1984, it is housed in the former medieval church 'Buurkerk'. • • *At 06:11 complete song from street organ The Arab : Aan de Amsterdamse Grachten (On the Canals of Amsterdam). • March 3, 2010 • My second visit in 2016 can be seen here: • Museum Speelklok: self-playing musica... • 00:00 The museum is housed in a medieval parish church • 00:30 Musical boxes like this were used in cafe's • 02:24 Vallin lantern clock replica (1598), England • 02:44 George Pyke organ clock (1793) • 03:14 Monkeys orchestra (approx. 1880), France • 03:30 Polyphon M5 (1900), Germany; jukebox for 10 discs • 04:18 Heinzman orchestra cabinet • 04:40 Steinway Duo Art (1924), USA; pianola with electric motor • 05:28 Hupfeld Phonoliszt Violina (1910), Germany; pianola with 3 violins • 05:45 Belly organ • 06:09 The Arab street organ (1948), Amsterdam-Netherlands • 08:29 De Schuyt fairground organ (rebuilt in 1931) • 08:55 Music from Mortier dancehall organ (1927) • 09:45 Tower clock carillon (1580), Netherlands