Star Wars Outlaws Intel AF2 Cypher Key amp Actuating Diffuser Module Locations
Both of these are sold by the same trader in Akiva, The Great Basin at The Cauldron Wreck. • Merchants • Toshara - Jora Margal, Pykes, In the Pyke District in Mirogana, by the big red column thing. • Helicyclic Gears (2) Direct-Energy Circuits (1) • Toshara - Shuma - Rogue Merchant, on Typhon's Rock after a certain Point • Direct-Energy Circuits (5) • Tatooine - Sopa Nandor, Hutt, Mos Eisley Cantina • Direct-Energy Circuits (2) • Akiva - Aucta Curvak - Scavenger, Hutts, Myrra Spaceport, Hutt district • Helicyclic Gears (2) Direct-Energy Circuits (1) • For a link to the google workbook that contains gear, collectibles, treasure locations, ability list, journal entries, etc, see: • • #StarWarsOutlaws #Intel