AEROFLOT AN124 takeoff Sperenberg 04091994


AEROFLOT Antonov An-124 Ruslan takeoff Sperenberg 04.09.1994 • АЭРОФЛОТ Антонов Ан-124 Руслан взлет Шперенберг 04.09.1994 • The last departures of Russian troops from East Germany with a big highlight, the very rare blue-white vertical stabilzer coloured military AEROFLOT AN-124, RA-82021! • Последние вылеты российских войск из Восточной Германии с большой изюминкой, очень редкой сине-белой окраской вертикального стабилизатора военного АЭРОФЛОТ Ан-124, RA-82021! • Западная группа войск в Германии вылетает на Родину России. • During the 1970s, the Military Transport Aviation Command (Komandovaniye voyenno-transportnoy aviatsii or VTA) arm of the Soviet Air Forces had a shortfall in strategic heavy airlift capacity. Its largest aircraft consisted of about 50 Antonov An-22 turboprops, which were used heavily for tactical roles. A declassified 1975 CIA analysis concluded that the USSR did ...not match the US in ability to provide long-range heavy lift support. Soviet officials sought not only additional airlifters, a substantial increase in payload capacity was also desirable so that the same task could be completed with fewer trips. • • Polet Airlines An-124 cockpit • In 1971, design work on the project commenced at the Antonov Design Bureau; the lead designer of the An-124 (and the enlarged An-225 derivative) was Viktor Tolmachev. During development, it was known as Izdeliye 400 (Product #400) in house, and An-40 in the West. The design produced broadly resembled the Lockheed C-5 Galaxy, an American strategic airlifter, but also incorporated numerous improvements, the greater use of carbon-fibre composites in its construction (comprising around 5% of the aircraft's total weight) and the more extensive use of titanium being amongst these benefits. Aluminium alloys make up the primary material used in its construction, limited use of steel and titanium alloys were also made.[9] Unlike the C-5, it lacks a fully-pressurised cargo bay or the ability to receive fuel in-flight. • In 1973, the construction of the necessary facilities to produce the new airlifter began. Two separate final assembly lines plants were established to produce the airlifter: the company Aviastar-SP (ex. Ulyanovsk Aviation Industrial Complex) in Ulyanovsk, Russia and by the Kyiv Aviation Plant AVIANT, in Ukraine. Furthermore, the programme used components, systems, and various other elements drawn from in excess of 100 factories across the Eastern world. In 1979, manufacturing activity on the first airframe began. • On 24 December 1982, the type performed its maiden flight. Three years later, the An-124 made its first appearance in the Western world when an example was displayed at the 1985 Paris Air Show. Following the fall of the Soviet Union, commercial operations of the An-124 became an increasingly important area of activity; to this end, civil certification was sought for the type by Antonov; this was issued on 30 December 1992


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