Addressing SubstanceInduced Brain Disorders Including Dementia
Make art with leaf rubbing art and create pretty designs for all your projects. Just grab some leaves, paper, and crayons and watch as the leaf designs seem to magically appear. I'll show you how! You can use this leaf-rubbing art in other craft projects too. Create decorative papers, home decor, and more. • Additional, complete step-by-step and written instructions: • Not just for kids! Leaf rubbing is fun for all ages, try it out! • Materials: • a variety of leaves • basic printer/copier paper • crayons - remove the wrapper/label • Optional: I used Press and Seal plastic wrap under the leaves to keep them from slipping all around my desk. You can use the leaves by themselves if you prefer. • Affiliate links: • Crayons - • Paper - • Press n' Seal - • If you need leaves: • These dried leaves might work. • *** I have not personally tried them, but they should be real leaves with some of the veins and stems you'd get from a leaf you pick up from outside. • Tip: leaves should have pretty stiff stems. If your leaves are too soft, they won't always show through when you rub with the crayons. Instead, try small twigs from bushes or allow your leaves to dry so they harden a bit. • Are you having trouble with this project? If there is no design showing up after rubbing with the crayon, try a different brand of crayon. Some crayons are very waxy and they do not color well. Other ideas: Try a different crayon, press down a little more onto the paper or try a different leaf. • *** Do you like to color? Buy my coloring book on Amazon! • • Find printables and other tutorials at: