Spektrum SRXL2 Micro Serial Receiver Betaflight Setup
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=WAkDv9gzl98
**A lot of this info is dated now. Betaflight 4.1 and the latest configurator support SRXL2, no CLI commands needed!** • In this video Spektrum Engineer and fellow RC hobbyist Miguel shows use how simple it is to install and run the SPM4650 SRXL2 Micro Serial Rx on a Betaflight flight controller. Follow along to learn how! • IMPORTANT LINKS • SPM4650 Webpage - https://www.horizonhobby.com/dsmx-ser... • SRXL2 Protocol Github Repository - https://github.com/SpektrumRC/SRXL2 • SRXL2 Betaflight Targets - https://github.com/SpektrumRC/betafli... • This info might become dated over time as Betaflight updates and changes firmware, if there are questions feel free to comment below or message us on Facebook!