Rutina Para Tonificar Todo El Cuerpo Y Quemar Grasa 🔥
Routine To Tonify The Entire Body And Burn Fat • Monthly Calendar - • Hello Gorgeous! How are you? Welcome to a New Routine Slimming Full Body . I'll explain it to you in parts ... • FULL BODY (whole body), because you will work ALL MUSCLE GROUPS both the trunk and the extremities through combinations of exercises that integrate simultaneously several muscles (example: biceps and buttocks, quadriceps and shoulders, pectoral, rectus abdominus and adductors. ..). • You will do the exercises with load, in this case dumbbells of 2 and 3 kilos depending on the muscle / s to work. You can upload the load or if you are a beginner do it without anything, only with the weight of your body. • ADELGAZAR, in addition to all the above, the reasons why this routine will help you reduce body fat, increase muscle tone and thus reduce your overall body volume are the following: • -The duration, more than 50 minutes of exercise; • -The combination of strength exercises with Cardio (in each of the blocks you have an aerobic section) • The increase in metabolic activity, both during and after exercise derived from performing a full muscular exercise and also adding resistance (weights). • For these and many more reasons, like you're going to have a good time and laugh a while with me, I invite you to do the Routine, encourage yourself to start it and if today you do not make it complete, at least you have tried and you will be closer for the next time. • If you can not jump is a Routine suitable for you, because in the Cardio part I give the option WITHOUT IMPACT and the rest of the routine is totally without impact. • I hope you enjoy it. With a lot of love, Maria! • Routine To Tonify The Entire Body And Burn Fat • #sientetejoven #fullbody #quemagrasa # 50minutes