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TYPHOID FEVER • Typhoid fever, also known as enteric fever, is a bacterial infection caused by Salmonella Typhi. It's usually spread through, • 1. Contaminated food and water • 2. Direct contact with an infected person • Symptoms typically develop within 6-30 days and may include: • 1. Fever (high temperature) • 2. Headache • 3. Fatigue • 4. Muscle aches • 5. Diarrhea or constipation • 6. Abdominal pain • 7. Nausea and vomiting • 8. Rash (in some cases) • If left untreated, typhoid fever can lead to serious complications, such as: • 1. Intestinal perforation • 2. Internal bleeding • 3. Infection of the lining of the heart (endocarditis) • 4. Meningitis (in rare cases) • Typhoid fever is diagnosed through: • 1. Blood tests • 2. Stool tests • 3. Urine tests • Treatment typically involves: • 1. Antibiotics • 2. Fluid replacement • 3. Rest • Planetary associations: • 1. Saturn: Associated with chronic illnesses, Saturn's influence can indicate a prolonged recovery or complications. • 2. Mars: Linked to fever, inflammation, and infection, Mars' involvement can suggest a sudden onset or severe symptoms. • 3. Jupiter: Connected to liver and digestive issues, Jupiter's aspect can indicate liver dysfunction or gastrointestinal complications. • 4. Moon: Associated with the stomach, emotions, and nurturing, Moon's influence can suggest emotional factors contributing to the illness. • Astrological indicators: • 1. 6th house: Represents health, daily routine, and work environment. Afflictions in this house can indicate health issues. • 2. 12th house: Associated with hospitals, isolation, and hidden enemies (like bacteria). Afflictions here can suggest hospitalization or hidden health issues. • 3. Ascendant (Lagna): Represents overall health and well-being. Afflictions to the Ascendant can indicate vulnerability to illness. • Zodiac signs: • 1. Leo: Associated with the heart, spine, and digestive system. Typhoid fever can affect these areas when Leo is afflicted. • 2. Virgo: Linked to the intestines, digestive system, and daily routine. Virgo's influence can suggest gastrointestinal issues. • Astrological remedies: • 1. Wearing gemstones: Ruby (Sun) or Red Coral (Mars) can help alleviate symptoms. • 2. Mantras and meditation: Focusing on Saturn, Mars, or Jupiter can help balance their energies. • ‪@vsastrology‬ • ‪@GalaxyAstrology‬ • ‪@astrosolution3309‬ • ‪@JyotishVedangbyRahulKaushik‬ • ‪@TRUTHSOFASTRO‬ • ‪@shankarmajhi-y2e‬ • ‪@AshishMehtaAstro‬ • ‪@ShubhamAlock‬ • ‪@SaptarishisAstrology108‬


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