Namaz ki Fazilaat or ahmiyaat Namaz Allah Ka tofaah hai


Salah (Arabic: ٱلصَّلَاةُ, romanized: aṣ-Ṣalāh) is the principal form of worship in Islam. Facing Mecca, it consists of units called rak'ah (specific set of movements), during which the Quran is recited, and prayers from the Sunnah are typically said. The number of rak'ah varies from prayer to prayer. Minor details of performing salah may differ according to the madhhab (school of Islamic jurisprudence) of the person performing it. • Various prescribed movements in salah, which collectively constitute a rak'ah. • From left to right: rukū', qiyām/i'tidal, sujūd, takbīr, and qu'ūd/julūs. • Salah may refer to the form of worship in general, or specifically to the daily obligatory prayers performed by Muslims, observed three[1][2][3][4] or (most commonly) five times a day. The obligatory prayers play an integral part in the Islamic faith, being the second and the most important pillar (After Shahadah) from the Five Pillars of Islam for Sunnis, and one of the Ancillaries of the Faith for Shiites. In addition, supererogatory salah may be performed by Muslims at any time with a few exceptions, or at specific times in accordance with the Sunnah. • Wudu (Ritual Purity) is a must prerequisite for performing salah. Muslims may perform salah alone or in congregation. Some of these prayers are special and are exclusively performed in congregation, such as the Friday salah and Eid prayers, both are performed with a khutbah (sermon). Some concessions are made for Muslims who are physically unable to perform the salah in its original form, or are travelling. The Arabic word salah (Arabic: صلاة, romanized: Ṣalāh, pronounced [sˤɑˈlæːh]) means 'prayer'.[5] The word is used primarily by English speakers to refer to the five daily obligatory prayers. Similar terms are used to refer to the prayer in Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Somalia, Tanzania, and by some Swahili speakers. • The origin of the word is debated. Some have suggested that salah derives from the triliteral root 'و - ص - ل' (W-Ṣ-L) which means 'linking things together',[6] relating it to the obligatory prayers in the sense that one connects to Allah through prayer. In some translations, namely that of Quranist Rashad Khalifa, salah is translated as the 'contact prayer',[7] either because of the physical contact the head makes with the ground during the prostration, or again because the prayer connects the one who performs it to Allah. Another theory suggests the word derives from the triliteral root 'ص - ل - و' (Ṣ-L-W), the meaning of which is not agreed upon.[8] • In Iran and regions influenced by Persian culture – particularly the Indo-Persian and Turco-Persian traditions – such as South Asia, Central Asia, China, Russia, Turkey, or the Balkans, the Persian word namaz (Persian: نماز, romanized: Namāz) is used to refer to salah. This word originates from the Middle Persian word for 'reverence'.[9] #aashiquearasool #ahmed #alahazrat #allah #allahuakbar #barelvi #culturalsignificance #explorepage #galeriquote #hijab


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