Remember When 80s Sitcoms Went To Dark Places With ‘Very Special Episodes’


10 Dark Episodes of 80s Sitcoms, • • Today, we're taking a trip back to the 1980s, • Revisiting Ten Times When 80s Sitcoms Went To Dark Places. • Every so often the classic sitcoms from the 1980s would stray from their normally lighthearted fare and deliver what came to be known as “very special episodes” • You knew it was going to be one of those darker nights when a star from the show would address the audience before the opening credits telling viewers that tonight the show is going to deal with a very important topic. And parents would be encouraged to watch with their children then discuss the episodes after. • The  very special episodes, usually dealt with dark subjects like drugs, kidnapping, domestic violence, and other inappropriate things that were making news in the 1980s. • This post will go through 10 sitcom episodes from the 80s that fall under the “very special episode category.” • #nostalgia #oldshows #tvshownostalgia #80stv #classictv #differentstrokes #factsoflife #punkybrewster #silverspoons #growingpains #goldengirls #familyties #genx


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