Frédérik Mey Mon testament
চুক্তি | The Covenant in Bengali | Lumo Old Testament Film • The Covenant is a visual masterpiece based on the Torah, produced with the same commitment to Scripture-based, word-for-word narration. The Covenant is told through the eyes of Ezra and brings to film the stories of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Rebekah, Joseph, Moses, and more. It is a collection of passages from the Bible, specifically from the books of Ezra, Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus. It includes stories about Ezra's journey to Jerusalem, the creation of the world, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, Noah and the flood, Abraham and his descendants, Moses and the Israelites' escape from Egypt, and the commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai. • Highlights • 🚶 Ezra arrived in Jerusalem after a long journey and devoted himself to studying and teaching the Law of the Lord. • 🌍 God created the heavens and the earth, and everything in it, including humans. • 🌳 The Lord God made a garden in Eden and created Adam and Eve. They were given a command not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. • ⚓ Noah and his family were saved from a great flood by building an ark and taking two of every kind of animal with them. • 🌈 God made a covenant with Abraham, promising to bless him and his descendants. • 🌊 Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and through the Red Sea, with God performing miracles along the way. • 📜 Moses received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai. • Discussion Questions • How did Ezra show his devotion to studying and teaching the Law of the Lord? • What were some of the key events in the creation story? • Why did God decide to send a flood to destroy all life on earth? • What promises did God make to Abraham and his descendants? • How did Moses lead the Israelites out of Egypt and what miracles did God perform during their journey? • Insights • The passages from the Bible provide a glimpse into various significant events and figures in religious history. They highlight the importance of devotion to God's teachings, the consequences of disobedience, and the fulfillment of God's promises. These stories serve as a foundation for religious beliefs and provide moral guidance. • Video Courtesy : LUMO Project ( • • #CovenantFilms #Covenant #OldTestament • #LUMO #FaithComesByHearing #FCBH • #Torah #pentateuch #bengali