Guided Meditation White Light for Healing Alignment amp Revitalisation
This healing guided meditation connects you with the Universal White Light that sustains and creates all of life. • By incorporating this simple 16 minute guided meditation into your life on a regular basis, it can help to relieve stress, lower anxiety and bring you into a state of more inner-calm. • This White Light meditation also supports the alignment of your physical, emotional, mental and other energetic bodies to bring you back into overall balance. It also helps to revitalise your energy by infusing you with the pure White Light frequencies that help support and sustain all of life in our Universe. • Please allow yourself a quiet space where you won't be disturbed or have distractions, so that you can receive the full benefit from this meditation. • It's a great way to start your day helping to bring you into balance and be revitalised and ready for the day. It can also be a great way to end your day and wind down, relax and de-stress just before bed as a sleep meditation. Or enjoyed at any time during the day when you just want to slow down, relax and find your centre. • This guided meditation is best enjoyed with headphones :) • Please like and subscribe for new, regular meditations and relaxing videos. • You can also find us on the following: • Facebook: / ascensionmeditationspace • Twitter: / ascensionspace • Instagram: / ascensionmeditationspace • Pinterest: • (The Journey) - music licensed by • #guidedmeditation #meditation #healingmeditation