Caesar Cipher Encryption and Decryption in Java


Ceasar Cipher in Java • Hi!! In this video I'll be coding ceasar cipher encryption and decryption using Java • -*- Support on Patreon:   / voxelpixel   • -*- Source Code: • Caesar Cipher is subsitution cipher, its algorithm is as following: • Take alphabetic message (A to Z) • Take a key (1 to 26) (1 being A and 26 being Z) • To encrypt, left-shift or right-shift message letter by letter by the value of key • For example • if message is ABC and key is 1 and we are performing right-shift then encrypted text will be A+1 = B, B+1 = • C, C+1 = D. ABC = BCD, BCD being encrypted text. • To decrypt, left-shift or right-shift the message letter by letter opposite to the shift performed in • encryption by the value of key • For example • if encrypted text is BCD and key is 1 and we are performing left-shift then encrypted text will be B-1 = A, • C-1 = B, D-1 = C. BCD = ABC, ABC being decrypted text.


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