7 GRANDES Diferencias entre los Marines y el Ejército de Estados Unidos
The RC airplanes at the Big Sandy Machine gun shoot are one of the favorite targets for shooters there. They call them target drones , The tiny planes zip back and forth and are anywhere from 100 to over 300 yards away and are moving fast. The vital areas of the plane are very small and difficult to hit. It takes a direct hit of the engine, the fuel tank, the radio receiver or one of the servos to bring down the plane. Once in a while the RC pilot tapes explosives on the plane and rarely a bullet will hit that and blow up the plane. • - • More information on Big Sandy Machine gun shoot: • http://www.mgshooters.com/ • Cost to spectate is only $25 for the whole weekend and you can camp onsite (included in price of admission). You won't regret going to watch this- it is very safe and spectator-friendly. We slept in the truck. • rev. 1.7.15