UK Class 195 kickdown
Quick clip of a Class 195, to answer my own question of whether or not these trains have kickdown in the last Class 195 video. It would appear the answer is yes - and these are also capable of the traditional ZF locked first gear, if the driver whacks it up to full throttle quickly enough! This one only gets up to about 60mph - next time I'd like to get one with full power from a stand up to 100mph - but like the Class 172s, it's more common to hear full power applied without the kickdown function active. • Sometimes when these do lock in 1st, the gearbox judders and slips a bit (not evident in this clip) and I wonder if it does them any good. Nonetheless these are very nippy trains. • Manufacturer: Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles (CAF) • Engine: Rolls-Royce MTU 6H1800R85, 523bhp • Transmission: ZF Ecolife 6 speed • • Acceleration • 0:04 - 1st gear, unlocked • 0:19 - enters 2nd gear • 0:39 - enters 3rd gear • 1:05 - enters 4th gear • 2:00 - 4th to 3rd (engine braking) • 2:47 - 3rd to 2nd (engine braking) • For reference, the last video of one of these accelerating without the kickdown engaged - • UK Class 195 (6 speed ZF) Diesel Mult...