NFARegistered Reusable Molotov Cocktail
Thanks to the contributions of a fan, we were able to create a reusable NFA-registered Molotov Cocktail based on a heavy-duty lid for a Mason jar which was engraved to ATF specs by our friends at Weapon Genetics. • Our theory on how the ATF would view a reusable Molotov Cocktail is based purely on Shiner Bock fueled amateur speculation and has not been endorsed by the ATF. If you decide to go Form 1 your own NFA-registered reusable Molotov Cocktail under this theory, that's on you. Also remember that making Molotov Cocktails can lead to a Richard Pryor type of experience of running down the street while on fire. • If you like what we're doing here at Ordnance Lab, please support us on Patreon, as we have plenty of cool projects we are working on: / ordnancelab . Our Venmo account is here: • Music: • Local Forecast - Elevator by Kevin MacLeod Promoted by MrSnooze • Elevator Music I Muzak Lift Music I... Creative Commons — CC BY 3.0 I