CysterWigscom Beginners Guide to Wigs 15
Beginner's Guide to Wigs part 1 of 5 - altogether approx. 45 minutes. • This is essentially everything you'll need to know to get started with wig wear. We'll discuss the ins and outs, the technical terminology, and the emotional issues you may encounter on your personal journey through wigs. • My name is Heather and I am the owner of, an online wig boutique and information resource. We specifically tailor our mission to fit the needs of women with hormone-related hair loss, who tend to be younger in age than your average wig wearer. Because of this we emphasize youthful styles and try to talk to you like a peer...and not like we're your mom. 😉 • We are open to suggestions and I definitely take requests. If you like our wig reviews and informational videos, please take a moment to check out our store. We strive to be honest and fair. We price match when possible and frequently throw unexpected gifts in with our orders! • Wigs can be a lot of fun and we want to help you to make this the best wiggy experience possible. • BTW: The wig in this video is Brigitte by Estetica in the color R6LF29 •