Joseph Haydn 🎼 🎶🍷⭐ Esterházy Palace in Eisenstadt Austria
Joseph Haydn🎶, Famous Austrian Composer (1732- 1809) • Haydn is considered the father of the classical symphony and string quartet, and an innovator in the composition of piano sonatas and trios. • • Esterházy Palace 🏰 in Eisenstadt is one of the most beautiful baroque palaces in Austria and presents a fascinating view of the resplendent life once lived at the court of the princes Esterházy. • Joseph Haydn,who worked for nealy forty years in the service of the Esterházy family. Many of his works were composed and premiered in Eisenstadt and the Esterházy Palace. • Nikolaus ll, Prince🤴👑 Esterházy (1765-1833) was a wealthy Hungarian prince. He served the Austrian Empire and was a member of the famous Esterházy family. He is especially remembered for his art collection and for his role as the last patron of Joseph Haydn. • • Franz Liszt 🎶 (1811-1886) The Liszt Monument on Esterházy Platz was made in 1936 to celebrate the 125th birthday of this great son of Burgenland. • • Haydn's Organ 🎹 . There were 7 Organs in Eisenstadt Haydn played on, and for which he wrote many of his works. • F.J. Haydn 🎶 • Nikolaus ll, Prince Esterházy 🤴👑 • Esterházy Palace 🏰 • Wine Museum 🍷 • Haydn House in Eisenstadt 🏡 • Music; Kevin MacLeod • Batty McFadden -Slower • •