【進撃の巨人】 Omake Pfadlib 【Vocal】

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=WX59fK8Ya_4

Note: This is the vocal adaptation of this song. The song is not mine, but the lyrics and the vocals in this version are mine. These lyrics mean more to me than I can even explain, so please keep in mind that the lyrics came from this video, not any other video. I'm incredibly bothered by the fact that these lyrics have been attributed to other people, especially if their covers are more popular/well known. Please understand that I put my entire heart and soul into these lyrics, and even this recording of them carries my entire heart and soul in them. They do mean the world to me. Thank you. • Omake Pfadlib is one of my favorite OSTs from Shingeki. It's so gorgeous and heartbreaking and so I wanted to try to make it more heartbreaking. ...w-well it hurt my heart, at least OTL... • I am 1000% done with the whole mixing thing :'c • Vocals/Lyrics/Mix: Aqua // Aquaspirit77 • Illustration: 森永メイジ // pixiv member 1861591 • Download: (the quality is better in this i swear) https://app.box.com/s/7llt6gd95a0a383... • Lyrics: • Will I stay where it's safe and sound? • Or will I fight 'till I hit the ground? • Inside this bitter cage, all the flowers wilt down in the crimson sky. • Take my hand, will we run or stay • In this world, full of cruelty? • Will we take arms, • With the hopes to see the sun again? • We pray... • Do we lack the strength to fight? • Have we lost the will to fly? • The world is dark... • The world is cruel... • But still, we hang on tight... • If this final breath could somehow save this world • I'd breathe my last sigh and close my tired eyes • And all the ones we lost, we'd find again • In this beautiful world we've wished for. • But the world grows darker... • We can't recover... • This narrow cage that we depend on slowly crumbles... • Is this the end we cannot mend? • We're slowly dying... • If we're here, even with fear, • We must keep fighting... • marco marco marco marco marco marco why /sobs into the sunset


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