Kingdom Hearts Final Mix 15 25 ReMIX Final boss fights
[WARNING: THIS VIDEO CONTAINS HEAVY SPOILERS FROM THE MAIN STORY OF KINGDOM HEARTS] • This video features the final boss fights of the original Kingdom Hearts. More specifically, the footage is about the first battle against Ansem, Seeker of Darkness; the one against a random Darkside; the second, solo battle against Ansem; the very final boss fight of the game against the World of Chaos. All these fights must be overcome in one go in order to beat the game (althought there are some checkpoints between each), and taking them on marks the point of no return of the game itself. • Note that this video was recorded while playing Kingdom Hearts on its Final Mix, 1.5 ReMIX version from the 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX compilation for the Playstation 4 and on Standard or Normal difficulty. I was also on my Playstation 4 Pro. • Here you can find the direct links to the individual fights featured in the video: • 1) Ansem's first fight (3:25) • 2) Darkside fight (5:55) • 3) Ansem's second fight (7:37) • 4) World of Chaos fight (11:18) • In the first battle against Ansem you are assisted by Donald and Goofy and the whole thing mainly boils down to beat up the boss as you dodge or parry his (rather predictable) attacks. Ansem's guardian will make sure that the boss can be only attacked from the front. The boss' most dangerous attack involves the guardian possessing either Sora or Donald or Goofy (in Sora's case it can be dodged, however). While possessed, Sora must use the temporary command Freeze whenever it appears and become locked in place for some seconds: else, the guardian will erupt from his body repeatedly and cause a damage. During the possession Ansem will be defenseless, but will sometimes surround himself with electricity, making using Freeze all the more dangerous. • After dealing with Ansem once, Sora must win a solo battle against a Darkside who behaves no differently than the one fought during the destruction of the Destiny Islands and can be considered a breather boss. • Once Darkside has been defeated, Sora must face Ansem again alone. Not only Ansem features more HPs and new attacks (including a desperation attack you must keep dodging), but he can now use his possession move right off the bat and at times without much warning, making escape it far more difficult. • The very final battle against the World of Chaos is a very lenghty battle featuring multiple short phases and a fitting end to the game, but it's far less complex than the previous duel with Ansem. At its core, the fight involves destroying one piece of the World of Chaos after another as you also recover Donald and Goofy and defeat small packs of enemies in the in-between phases. Each piece really doesn't put up much of a fight itself, allowing you to maul on it freely while dealing with its flunkies. You have to face Ansem directly at the very beginning and at the very end of the fight and he remains the most dangerous threat: since you spend the whole battle flying you lack most of your abilities and the boss loves to spam unblockable beams of light and annoying melee combos on you