PrePreg Overview
Click here to see these products more on • Prepreg fabrics have been pre-impregnated with an epoxy resin system. Fibre Glast prepregs can be handled, stored, and shipped at room temperatures. In order for the prepregs to cure, it is necessary to use a combination of pressure and heat. There are many advantages to using prepreg fabrics: nearly perfect resin content, maximum strength properties, less mess, less waste, shorter curing time, uniform properties, and better cosmetics. • To learn more about prepreg fabrics, read the free helpful white paper About Prepregs. • There are two prepreg fabrics available, the Prepreg 3K, 2x2 Twill Weave Carbon and the Prepreg 7781 E-Glass. These prepregs have a shelf life of 12 months when the maximum storage temperature does not exceed 75°F and 6 months when it does not exceed 90°F.