Wells Score and DVT Diagnosis Ausmed Explains
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The Wells score for the diagnosis of a DVT. • The Wells score is the most widely used clinical decision tool for the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). This tool risk-stratifies patients into 'low', 'intermediate' and 'high' risk categories for DVT, based on a point system. • A score of less than two indicates low risk, and above two indicates intermediate/high risk. • The tool assists the clinician in deciding if the patient requires a duplex ultrasound scan to exclude DVT. In patients with a Wells score of less than two, a whole blood D dimer assay should be performed to exclude a DVT safely. • If the D dimer assay is positive they will require a compression ultrasound. A score above two on the Wells score criteria also means the patient requires a compression ultrasound. If positive, treatment for DVT should be initiated. • For more information, visit https://www.ausmed.com.au/ and subscribe to @Ausmed for regular explainers like this! • Facebook ► / ausmed • Instagram ► / ausmededu • LinkedIn ► / ausmed-conferences • Twitter ► / ausmed