Review Gosei Great Gosei Grand Megazord Figures Power Rangers Megaforce
Blog Post: • Buy from CS Toys: • --- • Despite not carrying the Retrofire title, the line continues on through Megaforce with the release of the Gosei Great Megazord and Gosei Grand Megazord. Like the Samurai releases, the figures don't carry too large of a stylized look, and for the most part, are slimmed down versions of their show suits. Both figures feature great articulation, having ball jointed necks, rotating shoulders, single elbow and knee joints, pin and swivel hip joints, and a bit of movement in the ankles. The only major flaws in the figures is Gosei Great's lack of paint on the shoulders, Snake Zord, and Tiger Zord, along with Gosei Grand's obscurely tiny head. Gosei Great even comes with his sword, even though it can't be pegged into the back like in the show. While a lot of the old Retrofires lacked articulation in the arms, both of these have full articulation in both of their arms, a great improvement from the previous figures released in the line. Overall, I highly recommend these figures to all Megaforce or Goseiger fans, especially considering neither of these Megazords have been even announced or displayed as a Super Robot Chogokin like many of the past releases. Definitely worth the $12.99. Highly recommended. • --- • Awesome Intro thanks to Ryokuya! • RRR: • RRR Otoku: • The RamBoards: • My Blog: • Follow me on Twitter: / shukuenshinobi • Like me on Facebook: • Ask me anything: • Enjoy! Please like, comment, and subscribe!