Modifying Hang on Back Filters Aquarium Hacks


Here is the DIY filter pad for your hang on back filters. These modifications and hacks for your aquarium filters do work I promise. These two pads I swear by. Here are the two links: • Polishing Pad: • Universal Sponge Pad: • Yes, but I always preferred reverse flow under gravel filters. Easier to maintain with all the biological filtration of standard flow. they're a maintenance headache because it just means you have to vacuum the gravel more. also you can't use them with sand really....its the old school method and many fish stores still use them because they can drive many tanks off a single air system. sponge filters are a more appropriate modern equivalent, but they aren't quite as hidden , for most tanks at home you'd just use a hob or canister. • I won't setup an aquarium without one. I've been using them for over 30 years. I do not vacuum my gravel at all. I use power heads instead of bubble flow. I use canister filters, filtration twice the capacity of the tank and typically the tanks will run 5 years or better never being cleaned. • I been using them for years as well with powerheads and a canisters. I'm still a die hard fan but I did set up a dirted 5 1/2 planted tank a few months ago without UGF. Wouldn't work in that application! • The other thing that scares me....look under the bottom of the if you can go to a fish store with tanks on open frames where you can see the bottom glass....look up at the nastiness that collects under the plates that you cant ever remove. Old tank syndrome comes to mind. Mysterious tank problems ahoy. I am good on uncleanable dirt traps. • The undergravel filter is so good at trapping dirt in the substrate, where it MUST be stirred up, disturbing the nitrogen cycle, that many aquarium stores do NOT sell it anymore! Let that sink it the next time somebody recommends this antediluvian filtration. BTW, how many public aquariums use undergravel filters? If the professionals don’t use them anymore, why should you? • Most super large tanks like at aquariums should have sumps or various types of closed loop filtration. small tanks are easiest to run on HOB. Canisters can solve the problem on medium size tanks but people often neglect them more as well. At least they can be properly cleaned unlike undergravels. • I used a reverse flow undergravel filter for years and it worked fine without being a crud trap. In fact, it kept the gravel pretty clean, when I vacuumed the gravel that was not over the plate it was pretty cruddy, over the plate it came out nice and clean. • I used them in tanks for years about 20 years ago. To me it functioned like a sump but takes up space inside tank. I use canister filters these days providing the bio filter in media there. The undergravel filters worked fine and people always exclaimed how clean my tank looked. Key was to use a good flow power head and never touch it. Not meant to be cleaned so it can be a biofilter. • I have just started looking at them, and reading mixed reviews. I wanted practical knowledge from people who have used them. The more I am looking into it, it doesn’t work the way I thought they would. • if you want all the fish poop and bad stuff traped under your rocks then go ahead and use it.. lol i used to use them when i was younger but found that all they do is trap the bad stuff under the rocks and in order to clean it out you have to tear the tank apart.. imo they suck and would never go back to using them. • I dont recall that one.. that's terrible. I did that once. Had a pipe burst on me. Flooded my apartment. Killed one of my fish and then my mbuna spit her fry lost like 50 something fish due to it. • I build maintain and service tanks for a living and been keeping fish all my life and trust me undergravel filtration is highly underrated into 224 gallon saltwater aquariums ran completely by undergravel filtration I have some of the more difficult fish to keep thriving in there including pair of Emperor Angels Fairground sweetlips for Moorish idols and every other decorative Tang angel that you can think of both in full tanks running on only undergravel filtration for the past 18 years so I'm pretty sure it works. It's cute how everyone's an expert all the time and I'm constantly defending myself....this is ALL I do. • I would not use in reef. But sensitive fish seem to do better in undergravel. I even had 3-300 gal shark/Ray tubs running undergravel only. Don't believe the hype they can work magnificent if done and maintained right.


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