Lymphatic Drainage Massage for Face and Neck❤️ lymphaticmassage
#lymphaticmassage #health #immunesystem #selfcare • 💕Thank you for watching, please Subscribe, Like, Share, and continue to enjoy our videos❤️ • ❤️ Learn about the Lymphatic System: • • 💕Is your lymphatic system overloaded?... how do you know? Are you waking up with tightness or stiffness in the morning? Are you feeling sluggish or having a difficult time starting your day? • These are clear signs that your lymphatic system is sending you a message. • Manual Lymph drainage (MLD) • MLD is a light, skin-stretching massage (stretching, compressing, gliding, to stimulate the lymphatic system and promote the movement of lymph fluid throughout the system) that helps promote the movement of lymphatic fluid out of the swollen limb. It should not be confused with a traditional massage. MLD is specifically focused on the lymph vessels to help the flow of lymphatic fluid. Therapy is applied to your unaffected areas first, making it possible for the fluid to move out of the affected area, or “decongest” the region. MLD helps open the remaining functioning lymph collectors and move protein and fluid into them, as well as to help speed up lymph fluid flow through the lymphatics. • Because lymphatic capillaries are in the dermis your massage is gentle, you gently manipulate certain areas of the body with only light touch. • Deep breathing techniques called diaphragmatic breathing are usually done at the beginning and end of a therapy session to help open the deep lymphatic pathways. It’s not only relaxing, but it helps increase movement of fluid toward the heart. • It's important to be well hydrated - drink enough water beforehand and after your massage session. • Join Cassaundra as she guides you through this Lymphatic Drainage Self Massage. • *Lymphatic drainage massage is typically considered safe and low-risk. However, this technique may not be safe for people with conditions that can move lymphatic fluid back to the heart or kidneys. These conditions include: Blood clots. • **Few people have negative reactions to lymphatic drainage massage. Some people, however, complain of headaches, nausea and fatigue. When that happens, you should ask your healthcare provider about managing your side effects. • ***The Content in this series is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. • 💕Donate and help this channel continue to improve and keep all content accessible to everyone. Thank you. • • • 💕We serve, we create, we transform, we hold the light, we ignite the light in others. It is now our time, our reality to be apart of 5th dimensional living, to co-create the new golden age and New Earth! We ask now that all we do be surrounded by divine white light, and that the Diamond Violet Flame, the Pure White Flame, and One Heart Flame, all be ignited and used to serve you in the best way that they can, and with the highest power that Cosmic Law will allow. May we fulfill our mission here on earth - guided by the higher-self, we reach our highest potential, and in the highest good of all humanity and may all those we touch, do the same. And so it is.🌎💞 • And may the Blessings of the Light always be yours, • Love Cassaundra🕉 • 💕