How to Pack a Cooler for Camping OARS
As an outdoor adventure outfitter with 50 years of experience, you could say we know a thing or two about how to pack a cooler for camping and multi-day river trips. • At our Idaho warehouse alone, our team will pack more than 200 YETI coolers per season for river trips that can last anywhere from 3 to 17 days. For OARS Grand Canyon rafting trips, which can run two-plus weeks, guides have been known to pull out fresh avocados on the last day or surprise guests with Dove ice cream bars along the way. • Want to know how the cooler packing pros do it? From proper packing order to how to keep your produce fresh, these are the tips and tricks we use to make ice and food last for days, even weeks, in the wilderness. • You might also like our other videos. Check out: • What to Wear How to Pack for a Multi-day Rafting Trip: • Snake River Rafting through Hells Canyon: • 5-day Grand Canyon Sampler: • OARS has been providing whitewater rafting, hiking multi-sport vacations since 1969 and we learned from decades of experience how to create magical nature-based experiences for you, your family, your friends or your business—stellar and diverse scenery, the beauty of a raft floating downstream, exciting whitewater rapids and captivating companionship. • You can find out more at our website: • Or, join our community... • Like our page on Facebook: / oars.rafting • Follow us on Twitter: / oars_rafting • Are you on Instagram? We are: / oars_rafting • Subscribe to our YouTube channel: