Atomic Force Microscopy Live CHO cell dynamics
JPK NanoWizard® BioScience AFM video of a living Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell imaged in medium at 37 °C. The unassisted video acquisition, consisting of 600 consecutive AFM phase images taken with a line-rate of 48 Hz (256 pixels x 256 pixels, tip velocity of 600 µm/s) depicts very diverse cell surface dynamics, involving cytoskeleton reorganisation, as well as plausible membrane events. X,Y - range 5 x 5 µm. Cantilever Nanoworld USC-F0.3-k0.3. • CHO cells, cultured in tissue culture dishes, were kindly provided by the lab of Prof. Andreas Herrmann, Humboldt University Berlin (Germany). • Read more about JPK’s AFM systems and their applications for the materials, life nano sciences on our website: