Exercise for Scapulohumeral Rhythm How Your Shoulder Girdle works MoveU

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FIX YO' SH!T with our ForeverFix Program https://moveu.com • Tying it All Together! In order for this “scapulohumeral rhythm” to work properly, you have to get the rest of the body lined up as well. The kneeling press is a great way to practice maintaining activated glutes, a neutral pelvis/spinal position, and neutral head position while strengthening one shoulder at a time. Do 5-20 SLOW, CONTROLLED reps on each side. Start with your WEAKER arm first. Use a very light weight at first. You can get a solid workout with 5lb’s while doing this! • Cues for this exercise: • Start in a kneeling position with your knee directly under the hip. Both knees should make a 90 degree angle. • Tuck your pelvis posterior and squeeze your glutes and lower abs. • Pull the ribs down into the belly to engage the upper abs. • Brace the core! • Pull your shoulder blades back and down without the ribs popping up. • Retract the head straight back. • Now, follow yesterday’s cueing and retract the blade down and back as your press the weight overhead. Lock out the elbow. • Groove these motions! Don’t just practice this in the gym, use this technique when you reach for a new coffee cup in the morning or open the refrigerator door. This is a life movement, not just a gym movement. • Next week we are talking about sleeping positions. • Written by Andrew Dettelbach • Want more help from us? The MoveU online program allows us to help people all over the world. Learn more, and begin improving today at https://www.moveu.com/


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