How a Single Expansion Redeemed Regidrago VSTAR
Regidrago VSTAR has been the definitive best deck in the Pokémon Trading Card Game since May 2024, absolutely dominating tournament after tournament with its wide and versatile array of ridiculously powerful Dragon type Pokémon to copy attacks from. But it wasn't always this respected... • In this documentary, I'll be covering the full story of Regidrago VSTAR, the Pokémon TCG's biggest comeback deck in modern history! • This video took three months to produce (apologies for the long wait!), I really hope you all enjoyed this documentary on the history of Regidrago VSTAR, I had a ton of fun making it! This video's production was truly a test of my skill and dedication, and I'm very proud of how it turned out! • Special thanks to PTCG Legends, PokeStats, Limitless TCG, and @JustInBasilfor providing info and visuals for this video! • Thanks for watching! Please consider Subscribing, your support means a lot to me and the channel! • This channel now supports Pokegear.App (created by my friend Jake Gearhart), the best place to build proxy decks and get accurate prices on the cards you need! Start building now at ! • Check out , created by the incredible @FlexDaddyRighteous ! It's an amazing tool to keep track of your matchups and a perfect tool for testing for events! Give it a try today! • Follow my Twitter! / pikiptcg • Subscribe to the second channel for other new content! @PikipTwo • Follow me on Twitch! / pikiptcg • Have Fun out there and God Bless! • #energy #pokemon #trainer #pokemontcg #champion #swordandshield #1ksubscribers #ptcg #pokemontcglive #ptcgo #ptcgl #ability #postrotation #playpokemon #ptcgl #scarletandviolet #1stplace #firstplace #paldeaevolved #obsidianflames #paradoxrift #paldeanfates #temporalforces #twilightmasquerade #shroudedfable #stellarcrown #surgingsparks #prismaticevolutions #euic #pokemonregionals #naic #pokemonworlds #pokemonworldchampionships #bdif #bestdeck #dusknoir #glc #kyurem #regidrago #regidragovstar #ogerpon #videoessay #documentary