Opaline Blue Gourami Care Three Spot Species

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Blue Gourami fish or also known as the Opaline Gourami tank care is mildly hard because these fish get sick sometimes. Here is a quality heater you can rely on. I see so many issues occur with blue gourami fish and getting sick because of heater malfunctions. • More Aquarium Replies: • Hello again. And you originally had unilateral popeye. It’s been a few days. I’ve been changing his water daily and using Kanaplex in the meantime. However, after moving yesterday and today, I’ve noticed that it is now bilateral, albeit it worse on the original side, and I am very concerned. Please help us. Resetting these disasters tomorrow and I'm thinking about going back to the basics and just getting bettas. They're 20gal highs so I'm thinking what, at least 3 divisions, maybe 4. I'll measure it out and see what it looks like. But that means 6-8 new bettas! http://gourami-fish.com/three-spot/ • I agree with the others that the temperature is a problem. As a tropical fish too low of a temperature will compromise their immune system and open up the door to health issues down the line. It would also be beneficial to test his water if you haven't already to make sure nothing there could be causing this. •    • Blue Gourami Fish Tank Mates   • We can tell you how to raise a happy and healthy betta but ONLY if you’re willing to listen, take advice, and follow through. • I wouldn’t even suggest getting a betta if you’re not going to treat it the way you should. • What size tank is he in? Sooo, not to start anything here but do y'all really think coming at the OP like this is the way to go? Like I get it, you're frustrated but approaching like this is literally no way to advise a person on how to fix something, especially if you want them to be receptive to your advice. • I can see it both ways. She asks for information, she was given the proper advice, and then argues with it. Doesn’t make any sense. But being nasty doesn't make a person change their minds. It just makes them upset and then they leave. Then how much help did the owner and the fish get? Maria Loan nobody was nasty at first until she was refusing to take the information given to her. She was told that it’s eventually going to kill her fish and she blatantly does not care because “he was happy yesterday” so it must be fine today, even though he’s hanging around the bottom of the tank, I presume being lethargic??????? Even if she does leave the group now, she still read the proper information and it’s solely her choice to not kill her animal due to ignorance. • Blue gourami Fish Care. What happens to bettas at temp below 75F is that their system slows down, including their digestive system, to preserve energy and divert it to essential functions. In prolonged low temp/condition as this, their immune system is compromised and thus becoming vulnerable to diseases. On top of this, with a not fully functioning digestive system, food have not been properly processed or absorbed. This may well explain why your betta is sitting at the bottom now. Bettas are tough as they can withstand poor condition for a long time which is why he was swimming “happily” yesterday and previously. But alas he has reached his limit. If you care about him, you gradually bring up his temp (not all at once) by installing a heater. Also, let the heater sit in tank for 30 min before plugging it in lest the difference heater elements and tank temps cause the heater to shatter. Good luck! • He probably needs a water change, how often do you change it? You do need a heater but I don’t think the temp alone is causing this, my roommate has had a betta in 74 degree water for months and he’s doing ok. Mine are in a heated tank. Have you checked your parameters? The temp can stress them but please check everything else too. Adding a heater isn’t going to work if he has ammonia poisoning. If you don’t have a test kit do a 25% water change and wait an hour and do another. If you haven’t changed the water lately. • I'm sorry your betta doesn't seem to be feeling well. Before the group can give you well informed advice, there are a few things that need to be checked to make sure this isn't caused by something in his environment. The first things we'll need to know are the parameters. We need the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels of the tank along with tank size. I know you're aware of the temperature issue so that should be the first thing you address but having as much information as possible will only help.


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