Canadians say ABOAT NOT ABOOT for about


Canadians say ABOAT NOT ABOOT (rough cut) Aboat the popular misconception about how Canadians pronounce the about sound. Here are some blanket replies to previous comments… • Here are videos from the only 3 Western Canadians I googled... • Here’s BC Premier Christy Campbell, in her first sentence she says aboat    • Premier Christy Clark speaks out agai...   • Here is the Premier of Manitoba saying aboat around the 04 second mark.    • Brian Pallister (PC) -- Health Care   • Actually somebody else on here claimed that Bret Hart, from Calgary, said aboot. I googled and found this video of him.    • Bret Hart Shoot Interview WWE Hall of...   At the 2 minute mark you can hear him say aboat twice. • For the rest of Canada just watch Canadian news. You will hear your fair share of abouts and aboats, but no aboots! • Here is the Canadian Raising entry on Wikipedia that I mentioned, • “Americans popularly mock the raised Canadian pronunciation of about [əˈbɐʊt~əˈbəʊt], jokingly pronouncing it as a boot, though American a boat [əˈboʊt] is actually closer phonetically.” • Also this site has links to Canadians saying about Only the Rob Ford link works, but is an example of someone from Toronto saying aboat.


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