Planets in Profile Mercury in Aries
Today I've made a video exploring Mercury's recent ingress into the sign of Aries. This is actually a big topic in the world of astrology because Mercury was in Pisces from February up until just recently. I also received a letter from someone just as Mercury was entering Aries that was so synchronistic that I asked if I could include it in today's video. I think you'll find the letter and my response helpful, especially if you were born with Mercury in Aries or with any Mercury/Mars contacts in your birth chart! • Book a reading or sign up for one of my courses at • Subscribe to this channel to stay up to date with new videos: / @adam-elenbaas • Say hi on social: • / acyutabhava.adamelenbaas • Instagram: / nightlightastrology • #NightlightAstrology #Acyuta #Astrology