AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1920X and 1950X Hands On Review
SUBSCRIBE FOR THE LATEST VIDEOS • • Buying a processor used to be boring. For years, Intel dominated the market with better per-core efficiency, better prices, and chips in every pre-built system from the cheapest used PC to the most expensive battle station. • Then the Ryzen 7 chips showed up, and turned AMD from the plucky underdog, to a leading candidate for your next system. With Ryzen Threadripper finally here, the company’s transformation from runner-up to contender is almost complete. • This supercharged desktop CPU maxes out at 16 cores and 32 threads, with support for quad-channel DDR4, 64 PCI Express 3.0 lanes, and a swath of under-the-hood improvements built for insane speed and impressive multi-tasking. • You’d better be willing to pay for the performance. While less expensive then Intel chips with similar core counts, the Threadripper 1920X starts at $800, and the 1950X is a cool grand. This isn’t budget hardware. • And for the price, we think in many cases, the Threadripper will give you the best bang for your buck in this ever evolving cpu/processor arms race. • • VISIT DIGITAL TRENDS • • DT Daily: • Playlist • DT Originals: • Playlist • DT Podcasts: • Playlist • • FOLLOW US! • / digitaltrends • / digitaltrends • / digitaltrends •