YTP Trash Story 4


Forky is love, Forky is trash. • A Toy Story 4 ytp with many references to the previous films. This is a send-off gift to the Toy Story franchise of sorts. I wanted to include parts from all the films as much as possible, seeing as how I haven't made a Toy Story ytp before. • **Song at 1:08 is Gates to Hell (Music with only windows sounds) by BlueWolfProduction. •    • Gates to Hell (Music with only window...   • Opening Song: Mother 3 - Homely Yado Inn, composed by Shogo Sakai. • I actually like Toy Story 4. It's grown on me. I still think it a tad unnecessary (there is always more story to tell, and Toy Story 3 had the perfect ending), but the ending for Woody and Bo and the creation of toys were neat. • Hopefully no copyright issues... • • Had some issues rendering this thang, but I'm gonna get a new computer soon hopefully. I still plan on uploading for a while yet, albeit probably slowly. • I would've have this better, but I'm too lazy ;) I pray it isn't trash. (Anyone readin' this?) • The thumbnail is probably trash.


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