First Brain To Brain Interface Created
Please watch: The 10 Hottest Sex Positions Ranked By YOU • ➨ • The 10 Hottest Sex Positions Ranked B... • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ • Ok, so we had to read this a few times to get it right, but apparently a few brilliant / terrifying scientists over at Duke have created the first brain-to-brain interface. And so you don't have to guess what that means, the researchers were able to electronically link the brains of pairs of rats on different continents, and allow them to share sensory information in order to solve a simple puzzle and receive a reward. This was accomplished by connecting an array of microelectrodes the width of a human hair to the area of the brain responsible for processing sensory information to the animals' brains. One of the rats was responsible for pushing a lever and that information was communicated to the second rat, who had to act on it and push a corresponding lever in order to receive a reward. Entertaining the possible uses for this in humans is both exciting and absolutely terrifying, like for instance, I dunno, actually becoming the Borg from Star Trek, or, even more terrifingly, a smartphone app that lets your girlfriend beam her emotions directly into your brain in realtime. I'm sure you guys can dream up some more fun and hilarious examples too. Anyway, 2013 is definitely shaping up to be a strange time to be alive. What are your guys thoughts on this bizarre new research? The coolest realization of your sci-fi fantasies, or the tip of the iceberg of an unimaginable distopic nightmare? Let us know in the comments and we'll see you next time on AskMen.