Understanding Viruses BBC Documentary 2017
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✳️CLICK HERE To Get Drink Less Program: http://bit.ly/7DaysToDrinkLess • ✳️Facebook: / remediesbest • ✳️Quick Relief for Heartburn : • Heartburn No More Review 2020 | How T... • ✳️Old Before My Time: Alcohol: • ALCOHOL: Old Before Your Time *HORRIF... • Javid Abdelmoneim is an A E doctor, so he knows a thing or two about booze and what it does to people (and what it does to the NHS). He’s a moderate drinker himself, so he has about double the recommended limit. Now, by sharing the latest science and research, and doing experiments on himself and on others, he’s getting to The Truth About Alcohol (BBC1). From which we learn that it’s bad for you, and the more you put into yourself, the worse it gets. More specifically, that ... • It’s bad for your liver; I think we knew that. It’s also now linked with cancer; yes, I think I remember that news and deciding it was a good reason to drink a little less. It’s bad for your brain, too: not brilliant for multi-tasking, single-tasking, decision-making, thinking, saying no, saying anything. It doesn’t help you sleep, even if it might help you go to sleep. And it doesn’t keep you warm, even though you might think it does. The opposite in fact (and here are some Ready Brek glowing drinkers, filmed with heat cameras, to prove it). So you know those big dogs, St Bernards, with barrels of brandy on their collars to keep you warm when you’re trapped in an avalanche? Not doing you any favours; bad dog, down boy. Unless there’s no hope and you’re going to die anyway, in which case the brandy might make it easier. Alcohol is a pain reliever; here boy, come back. • • Sign up to hear about our weekend newspapers • Read more • It makes you fat. And it makes you eat more, so it makes you even fatter. The bigger you are, the more you can drink, but what you need is muscle (and water) to tolerate alcohol, so go to the gym before going to the pub. And eat before drinking; the stomach-lining thing is true. The red wine thing (that it’s good for you, or sometimes not), a favourite in the Daily Mail? There’s some truth in that, but you can get the same benefits (dilated blood vessels) from lots of things that don’t contain alcohol and its associated downsides, such as walnuts and dark chocolate, so it’s not really an excuse. • As for hangover cures, there’s not much actual science on this. A fry-up might have some benefits, though there are other health risks. A plant called borage, taken in pill form beforehand, might be better. I’ve always found that the best thing for a hangover is a bloody mary. • So, no massive surprises here then. It’s pretty much as you were: booze is basically not good for you and you should almost certainly drink less, and less often. The only problem being that it’s also brilliant, and Javid knows it.