Custard Cake KremšniteCremeschnitteKuhajte s Drazenom
Custard Cake • Learn how to prepare custard in my video recipe. • Creamy today has all kinds of: sprinkled with powdered sugar, without the top crust but also with chocolate on top, with some egg white foam under the top crust, those with lots of coke. However, the simplest ones are somehow the best. A little effort and you can have them on your desk today. • ingredients: • 2 l of milk • 6 eggs • 500 ml of water • 200 gr density • 6 tablespoons sharp flour • 2 x 12 tablespoons sugar • 12 tablespoons in egg yolks • 12 tablespoons in egg whites • 4 vanillin sugars • 2 puff pastry • Preparation: • First she bakes two crusts of puff pastry • The size of the pan is approximately 30 x 40 cm • Before baking, punch the puff pastry with a fork so you don't have the dough • heavily inflated ... If the dough is not wrapped in baking paper then you need to grease the pan with oil or better yet coat it lightly with margarine to prevent it from sticking • You can prepare one crust immediately after baking into a saucepan to which you will add cream, and leave the other crust to cool and then cut it with a sharp knife into cubes or shapes as you wish. • Bake for about 10-12 minutes at 180 ° c • Put 2 l of milk in a saucepan to allow it to simmer • Whisk the egg yolks with sugar until the sugar has melted, then add the vanilla sugar, water, flour, and density and mix well. • Add the mixture to the heated milk and stir constantly to keep the cream from sticking to the bottom of the bowl. Mix until the foam from the loco is lost and only pure cream remains. • While stirring the mixture, whisk together the egg whites and sugar and add them to the hot cream, mix the egg whites in the cream broadly and gently and shake the prepared crust. • Spread evenly all over the bottom crust, and immediately top the sliced peel you prepared earlier from above. • Drizzle well to cool and sprinkle with sugar .. • Good apetite. • Recorded by a camera go pro 8 • • Kremšnite.. • Saznajte kako pripremiti kremšnite u mojem video receptu. • Kremšnita danas ima svakakvih vrsta: posutih šećerom u prahu, bez gornje kore ali i sa čokoladom na vrhu, sa malo pjene od bjelanjaka ispod gornje kore, onih sa puno koka. Ipak, one najjednostavnije su nekako i najbolje. Malo truda i vi ih već danas možete imati na svom stolu. • Sastojci: • 2 l mlijka • 6 jaja • 500 ml vode • 200 gr gustina • 6 žlica oštrog brašna • 2 x 12 žlica šećera • 12 žlica u žutanjke • 12 žlica u bjelanjke • 4 vanilin šećera • 2 lisnata tijesta • Priprema: • Prvo ispeće dvije kore lisnatog tijesta • Veličina tepsije je otprilike 30 x 40 cm • Prije pečenja lisnato tijesto izbušite sa vilicom kako vam se nebi tjesto • jako napuhnulo... Ako tijesto nije u papiru za pečenje zamotano onda morate tepsiju namazati sa uljem ili još bolje premazati lagano margarinom kako vam se nebi zaljepilo • Jednu koru možete odmah nakon pečenja pripremiti u tepsiju u koju će te dodavati kremu,a drugu koru ostavite da se rashladi te ju onda izrežite sa oštrim nožem na kockice ili na oblike po vašoj želji.. • Pecite oko 10-12 minuta na 180°c • 2 l mlijeka stavite u posudu da na laganoj vatri da se grije • Izmutite žutanjke sa šečerom dok se šečer ne rastopi,zatim dodajte vanil šečer,vodu,brašno,i gustin te dobro razmutite.. • Smjesu dodajte u zagrijano mlijeko te konstantno miješajte da vam se nebi krema uhvatila za dno zdijele.Miješajte toliko dugo dok se neizgubi pjena iz loca te neostane samo čista krema.. • Dok ste miješali smjesu u međuvremenu izmutiti bjelanjke sa šečerom te ih dodati u vruču kremu,široko i lagano umiješati bjelanjke u kremu i istresti na pripremljenu koru.. • Ravnomijerno rasporediti po cijeloj doljnjoj kori,a odozgo odmah posložiti narezane kore koje ste već ranije pripremili.. • Kremšnjite dobro rashladiti te ih posipati sa šečerom.. • Dobar tek. • Snimano kamerom go pro 8 •