The Alef Bet Song Learn Hebrew


The Kohelet Hebrew School kids show how it's done. It's nice because this tune includes the double letters. • Now, all of these learning videos are on their own pages, with charts next to them, and without the distraction of all the other youtube clutter, on my website, here: • Learn to Read Hebrew - a 32 page booklet by Rafi Metz ~ Now Available ~ Add to what you learn here, and learn to read Psalm 23 and 121. • Visit • If this version is too fast, try one of the other two Basic-Letter videos ~ they are much slower and provide time to repeat each letter a couple of times. • Melody is an extremely effective mnemonic device, and is a perfect way to learn something like the Hebrew alphabet. It's not so daunting as an adult to learn foreign letters when children make it so fun and easy. • Whether the kaf comes before chaf or the other way around is irrelevant, the point is to learn the letters. • As for the sofit letters, it doesn't work to sing them with this tune, and with 5-6 year olds, just getting the basic 22 is enough of a learning curve at the beginning... I've got a videos posted here that explains the double letters thoroughly. • Best to everybody! • Rafi


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