Book Review of Keep the Aspidistra Flying by George Orwell
I love George Orwell. And today, on 25 June, on his birthday, let's publish a review on a book he published in 1936. • Keep the Aspidstra Flying sees Gordon Comstock (really, George Orwell methinks), a poet, denounce society and its worship of the Money God . He gives up a great job to work part-time in a book store that would give him more time to write (it does not) and over time, he slides into a bleak, dark mood because society (and the people around him) are trying to suck him back into this worship which he wants nothing to do with. • As I was reading the book, I learned about these cast iron plants that were the only plants that seemed to thrive in the dark, musty homes of the Victorian era and realised we have them in our back yard too. • So over the weekend, I'll be planting these aspidistras into pots and putting them into our home as house plants because it's likely that I will not be able to kill those. • Thanks George Orwell. • I read this book about the same time I was reading his Books v. Cigarettes Essays and there was some overlap especially his stories of life in a bookshop. • My review is here: • Book Review of Books v Cigarettes by ... • I'd also recommend the lecture of Christopher Hitchens to the George Orwell Society that gives us more background into the life of George Orwell. • • Christopher Hitchens - [~2005] - Why ... • Read how people used to like posing next to aspidistra plants •