How to File a Mechanics Lien in Massachusetts


Download a free Massachusetts lien form (links below) and follow along if you’re filing it yourself, or do it stress-free through Levelset at • Free Massachusetts Mechanics Lien forms for subs and suppliers: • Free Massachusetts Mechanics Lien forms for GCs: • -Step 1: Preparing Your Massachusetts Mechanics Lien Documents • The first thing you want to do is to make sure that your mechanics lien documents have all of the legally required information. Massachusetts liens are a two-part filing process, with a Notice of Contract (or Notice of Subcontract) that needs to be filed first, and then a Statement of Amount Due filed afterwards. • -What does a Notice of Contract need to include? • A Notice of Contract needs to include: • Date of Contract; • The property owner’s information; • Your information; • And a legal property description. • • -What does a Notice of Subcontract need to include? • A Notice of Subcontract will need the same information as in a Notice of Contract, along with some contract information as well, like the: • Contract Price; • All agreed upon or pending Change Orders; • Any Disputed Claims; and • Payments Received. • -What does a Statement of Amount Due need to include? • A Statement of Amount Due needs to include: • An accurate account of the amount due • A brief property description; • Names of the owners; • the name and address of the claimant, and • The labor or material furnished to the property, though they’re not required. • • -How to record your lien for recorded land and registered land? • If it’s recorded land, it’s most likely that the notice can be e-recorded with the Registry of Deeds. You must make sure to send the notice to the parties by mail after it is recorded. • If its registered land, you’ll want to call the registered land recording office for the county to verify where the notice must be sent. • -When should the Notice of Contract be filed in Massachusetts? • The Notice of Contract should be filed the earlier of either: • 60 days after the Notice of Completion, • 90 days after a Notice of Termination, or • 90 days after the last day of furnishing labor or materials. • -When should the Statement of Amount Due be filed in Massachusetts? • The Statement of Amount Due needs to be filed the earlier of either: • 90 days after the Notice of Completion, • 120 days after the Notice of Termination, or • 120 days after the last day of furnishing labor or materials. • -How should I serve the lien in Massachusetts? • Massachusetts only requires the lien to be served in certain circumstances. • General contractors aren’t specifically required to serve the lien on the property owner, but it’s best practice to do so. For all other parties who don’t have a direct contract with the property owner, they’re required to send a copy of the lien to the owner by certified mail, return receipt requested. • • -How long is a Massachusetts Mechanics Lien effective for? • A Massachusetts Mechanics Lien stays effective for 90 days from the date the lien was filed, and you’ll want to make sure you either initiate a foreclosure action or release the lien before your lien expires. • Levelset helps contractors and suppliers get payment under control, and sees a world where no one loses a night’s sleep over payment. • Over 500,000 contractors and suppliers connect on Levelset’s cloud-based platform to make payment processes stress-free. Users easily exchange payment documents like lien waivers, pay applications, and preliminary notices, they see a complete picture of who is on their job, and are empowered with the resources and knowledge they need to be confident in payment. The results are faster payments and fewer surprises. • Levelset is venture-backed by S3 Ventures, Altos Ventures, and Brick Mortar Ventures. Headquartered in New Orleans with offices in Austin and Cairo, Egypt, Levelset employs more than 150 people. For more information about Levelset, visit or call 866-720-5436.


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