Carpocrates amp Epiphanes Early Christian Middle Platonists of Alexandria


https://gnosticinformant--pursuit4kno... • The Course for Mystery Cults by Professor Litwa is NOW AVAILABLE!!! Click the Link for more Details! (Link) • https://gnosticinformant--pursuit4kno... • FOR PART TWO: • Unlock by Joining Dr. Litwa's Patreon •   / posts   • Links for M. David Litwa. Ph.D: • Books from M. David Litwa: • • About M. David Litwa: • • Carpocrates of Alexandria was the founder of an early Christian sect from the first half of the 2nd century. As with many Gnostic sects, one knows of the Carpocratians only through the writings of the Church Fathers, principally Irenaeus of Lyons and Clement of Alexandria. As these writers strongly opposed Gnostic doctrine, there is a question of negative bias when using this source. While the various references to the Carpocratians differ in some details, they agree as to the libertinism of the sect, a charge commonly levied by pagans against Christians and conversely by Christians against pagans and heretics. • Epiphanes is the author of On Righteousness, a notable early Gnostic literary work that promotes communist principles, that was published and discussed by Clement of Alexandria, in Stromaties, III. Epiphanes was also attributed with founding Monadic Gnosis. G.R.S. Mead however thinks that Epiphanes was a legend and may not have been an actual person, that the real author of On Righteousness may be the Valentinian, Marcus. This is purely speculative though. His deification is one of the most attested apotheosis events in world history. • Another legend that Epiphanes led Monadic Gnosis, may have come from misunderstanding of the Greek word eiphanes which may have been mistaken as a personal name if in text, when in fact the Greek means distinguished, as in a distinguished teacher. • A notable belief attributed to Epiphanes and described in On Righteousness was the idea of communal living or communism, including shared property and spouses. • The text begins: • The righteousness of God is a kind of sharing along with equality. The idea of communal living may have come from Plato's ideas in The Republic. Clement took this very seriously as a sign of libertine promiscuity, but the real followers were likely to be more philosophical and merely observant of the Early Christian practice of Agape, communal feasts and property. • This is backed up by multiple verses from Paul's Epistles as well as the Book of Acts. • For the NEWEST BOOK by M. David Litwa that this video is directly based off: • • Carpocrates, Marcellina, and Epiphanes: Three Early Christian Teachers of Alexandria and Rome (Routledge Studies in the Early Christian World) • • #Epiphanes #Carpocrates #MDAVIDLITWA #Gnostic #GnosticInformant nag hammadi library gnostic informant


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