Rightwing president of Austrian National Council not welcome at remembrance events

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The November pogroms - the systematic acts of violence against Jews 86 years ago - were commemorated in Vienna this morning. • Today, the Jewish Community commemorated the November pogroms at the Shoa Wall of Names together with the government and representatives of all parliamentary parties - except the right-wing FPÖ who were deliberately not invited to the official commemoration. • The new President of the National Council, Walter Rosenkranz from the FPÖ, wanted to lay a wreath at the memorial on Judenplatz as a kind of counter-event. But Rosenkranz was also unwelcome here; activists prevented him from doing so by forming a human chain around the memorial. An appeal by Rosenkranz to the police had no effect; the protesters remained united. In the end, Rosenkranz had to leave without having achieved anything. The protest on Judenplatz was organised by the Jewish Student Union. • The President of the Jewish Community, Oskar Deutsch, asked Rosenkranz to resign from the chairmanship of the National Fund for the Victims of National Socialism, which comes with his office as President of the National Council, as well as his duties at the Cemetery Fund and the Wiesenthal Prize. • SHOTLIST • 00:00:00 - 00:02:16 LOCATION: Shoah Wall of Names • VS Police in front of Shoah Wall of Names • VS Shoah Wall of Names • Wwreaths with roses in Austria's flag colours • VS Officials of Jewish Community and Austrian political parties • SOUNDBITE (German) Oskar Deutsch, President of Jewish Community: We commemorate not only because every victim has more or less earned it for this reason, but we also commemorate so that something like this or something similar can never happen in the future. And we are in a very difficult time for Jews in this world. (TC 01:50) And the current President of the National Council is a member of a German nationalist fraternity. With all that that entails. And for this reason it is impossible for us to commemorate the victims together with such a person. • TILT UP wreath • • 00:02:17- end LOCATION: Judenplatz memorial • Wreath with white roses in front of memorial • Human chain around memorial • VS Jewish university students holding sign whoever honours nazis, his word is worth nothing - no commemoration with Rosenkranz FPÖ • Police women • Walter Rosenkranz, new president of National Council, arriving with entourage • Rosenkranz in front of sign • CU Rosenkranz in front of students who sing Jewish songs • VOXPOP (German) Jewish student: We don't want to commemorate with you. We don't want them to spit in our faces and in the face of our ancestors. • VOICES IN THE CROWD (German): We don't want to talk to you. , We have to stand in your way. , Can you please leave the square. Leave the square and no one will talk to you. • SOUNDBITE (German) Walter Rosenkranz, President of Austrian National Council: ...I will bow to the violence, you hinder me with violence. • Rosenkranz leaving the square in front of human chain • SOUNDBITE (German) Walter Rosenkranz, President of Austrian National Council: I understand that there is resentment. And as a democrat, I also allow there to be rallies and events. And as long as I have a say of some kind in this country, there will always be fundamental rights and freedoms, especially the right to assemble, the right to demonstrate and freedom of expression.


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