CHOPPING amp SELLING ALL MY HAIR by myself πŸ’‡βœ‚πŸ’Έ


IT'S HEREEEEEE I CUT MY HAIR OFF 😱😱😱😱😱 and by myself to boot u_u I cut off a total of 19 inches (20 if you count the little feathered pieces) XD • If you have been on my socials for a while, you would know last year I wanted to cut my hair real bad but decided to wait til May to cut it. • In May, I put up an ad for my hair on an online hair selling market and it took 3 months and many scam emails for me to finally sell it !!! • My hair is actually high in value and would go for around $400-600 USD but because I had already waited 3 months, was already sick of my hair for so long, and just wanted it off my head, I sold it for a lot less than half that value with the first legitimate buyer who wasn't asking for a bald head. • Some of you will know that I shared the story of someone asking me to shave my head for $2500 lol. • Anyways ~~~ Next time I grow my hair out and chop it off again, I will donate it (: I am considering donating, selling, donating, selling, every three-five years or so (: • What do you think about my hair !?!?!?!??!? It's been SO long since I've had short hair and I am so happy (: • Thank you so much for watchingg ~~ Please click the thumbs up to show me you enjoyed the video we'd be so thankful if you shared it with your friends and family πŸ™ˆπŸ’• love you !!! see you soon (: • P E O P L E M E N T I O N E D: • Nuehle's Channel: •    / officialnuehlevang   • Jen Meejmuse's Channel: •    / meejmuse   • P O B O X • If you would like to send us letters or mail, address them like this! • Nami Cho/Michael Park • PO Box 91105 • Bayview Village • Willowdale, Ontario • M2K2Y6 • CANADA • We handwrite back to all letters and parcels with a note NachoFam bracelet ! πŸ’• • A B O U T • Monolidded Makeup Artist; Beauty College Instructor; Korean-Canadian Post-Teen Mom β™‘ • Hello ~ I am Nami (1995), married to Michael (1990), mother of Galahad (2013) and Ziek (2016). • Welcome to our channel, we hope you are encouraged, entertained, and intrigued! • Uploads one to three times weekly. Enjoy ~ β™ͺ • F I N D M E • namiicho on social media patforms: • Instagram • Facebook • Snapchat • Twitter • Afreeca TV • Miscellaneous videos channel:    / namiiness   • S U B T I T L E C O N T R I B U T I O N • Thank you for your help in subtitling our videos in many languages! • • C O N T A C T I N F O • For business inquiries: • [email protected] • D I S C L A I M E R S • All opinions owned by me, all products purchased by me unless stated otherwise, all things stated are 110% honest ! • β˜†


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