Recipe Vegan Hawthorn White Chocolate Bark DELLE KITCHEN
After an entire year of heavy coffee drinking, all we need this holiday is a healthy, calming, treat that can bring us back to normal . Hawthorn berry has long known usage to promote the health of the circulatory system and has been found useful in treating angina, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and cardiac arrhythmia ( • Hawthorn White Chocolate Bark • Vegan, Dairy Free • -100 gr Cashew Butter • -100 gr Cocoa Butter • vanilla • 3 tbsp Hawthorn Berry Syrup • (also works with honey/agave) • roasted almonds • cacao nibs • dried fruits (I use goji berries) • Hawthorn Syrup by Teasane • / teasane • Let's connect! • / • / delle-kitche. .