How to use derivatives in real life Class 11 and 12 Maths NCERT
Derivatives show up in so many chapters of our Class 11 and 12 NCERT Maths textbooks in India. Here is one common question students ask while reading these chapters: When will we use derivatives in real life? • In this video, we will see how programmers and CEOs use derivatives in real life. • Here are the four main parts of this long video: • 0:00 We begin • 3:00 We predict how much money our company will make • 10:59 We get stuck • 12:22 We learn about derivatives • 26:54 We get unstuck and are able to make our prediction • We will answer 4 main questions about Derivatives: • 1) What is a derivative? • 2) What does the d in derivative stand for? • 3) Why should we care about derivatives? • 4) What does a derivative look like? • To answer these questions, we will write very simple program that uses the Python programming language to predict our company's future. The official name of this type of program is Gradient Descent using Linear Regression. No need to worry about those difficult words. The program is only 10 lines long. You can access the program here - • Here are the sources we used to learn more about derivatives ourselves: • Matt Nedrich • • Daniel Shiffman • • 3.4: Linear Regression with Gradient ... • Andrew Ng’s Deep Learning Course • • • Ashiesh Kapoor, LightHouse YouTube Video on Derivatives • • 3. What is Differentiation (Hindi) | • Joy of X - Steven Strogatz • • 3Blue1Brown YouTube Video on derivatives • • The paradox of the derivative | Chapt...