Fairytale Dream Wedding Brahmin Wedding VARSHINI amp ADITYA

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http://www.focuzstudios.in/ • We have often wondered if arranged marriage leads to love. The world is speed-bumping into Tinder to find love, because, according to dictionary references, arranged marriages are old school. But here is one couple that met through their parents, and fell in love, head over heels, and got married to each other. Our Wedding Film ohh! sorry! the Wedding Moments is proof enough of how much they are in love - Just look at them looking at each other. :) • Varshini and Aditya are super bright and very good looking. They are based out of the US, and they got in touch with a year back and they confirmed with us as quickly too. We were very pleased with their approach, and we told ourselves that we need to outdo their expectation of us, and thanks to their cooperation, we are very happy with our shots as well. • This was a typical TamBrahm Wedding. Very colourful and very traditional, but unlike the other TamBrahm Weddings, Aditya and Varshini's was a little more intimate. The Mandap was replaced with a Resort, what we thought would be a conservative extended family turned out ultra cool, and the ritual emphasising, serious TamBrahm culture got colored with an air of Punjabi what with lots of dance, great music and loads of fun. Confluence Resort, right outside the city limits at Mahabalipuram, where the wedding was hosted was very spacious, airy, breezy and beautiful. The food was served in Traditional Banana Leaves, and the scent of Jasmine and fresh sandalwood powered the atmosphere. The Maapillai Azhaippu had both the bride and the groom dancing with their relatives. It was such a sight to witness them stealing glances at each other whilst dancing. The wedding next morning started off with the Oonjal, and it was interesting to note that the bride opted for an arakku bordered Violet Madisar instead of the Tradtional Full Arakku Madisar. We found it really cool because it showed the changing tradition to accommodate current trends. And of-course, Varshini looked very 'Tanjorean', what with her beautiful face and expressive eyes. • Aditya is smitten. Watch him sing for Varshini in this video, and we will all want a love like that. We wish Aditya and Varshini the best of times and lots of love. Watch the Wedding Moments and let us know what you think. • We are eager to hear from you! • • Cinematography, Cuts Colors • ChandruBharathy • To Inquire Bookings • Call us: +91-8015555500 • email us • [email protected] • Like Our Facebook Page • www.facebook.com/FocuzStudios.Photography • Follow us on Instagram •   / focuzstudios   • Production House • Focuz Studios™ • #TamBrahmWedding #BrahminWeddingVideo #ConfluenceResortWedding #DreamWedding #FairytaleWedding #ChandruBharathy #VARSHINIADITYA #FocuzStudios


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